What whales will we see?
Chances of Seeing
Each Kind of Whale
Orcas (Killer Whales) can be seen in the San Juan's all year, and are the most frequently seen whales on all of our tours.
Humpback and Gray Whales migrate through the Salish Sea on their journey between colder feeding areas in the north in summer and warmer breeding areas in the south in winter.
Minke Whales can be seen here year round.
Observación de ballenas Preguntas frecuentes
Is there a restroom on the boat?
Yes! All of our vessels are equipped with a restroom.
How long are your tours?
Classic tours take between 3 and 5 hours. Most of these tours are 3 hours, but can occasionally run up to 5.
Orca Only specialty tour is 3 to 5 hours. Our goal is to spend 45-60 minutes with Orcas. Which means if the whales are close we are able to run a 3 hour tour, but if we have to go far we may take a full two hours to cruise one way to where the whales are.
It is best to plan for 5 hours just in case we need to run a longer tour. Please don't schedule important reservations (ferry, plane, dinner, etc) without an abundance of time.
When should we arrive?
Check in begins 30 minutes prior to departure for all of our regularly scheduled whale watching excursions. We ask you to take a moment to review your departure location and predicted travel time the day prior to your trip. The only thing that is consistent about the traffic in this area is that it is inconsistent! We cannot hold the boat for excessively late arrivals.
The location of our ORCA ONLY tour has a gate that will only be open 60 minutes before the start time of your tour.
What should we wear?
Layers! The weather is temperate year round in the San Juan Islands, but our boats go very fast which will feel at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler on the water. Having a sweatshirt or jacket is a great option. Sunglasses and sunscreen are also important with the reflection of light off the water even on cloudy days.
Where does the boat go? What route do we take?
There is no set agenda or specific route that we follow. Working with the Pacific Whale Watching Association means that we have access to the most up to date information on where whales have been spotted throughout the San Juan Islands and Canadian Gulf Islands. Paired with our extensive experience on the water of the Salish Sea and our knowledge of Orca pod movements we see whales on more than 95% of our trips. The whales in this area are not tagged and can swim more than 100 miles in a single day so we like having the flexibility to go anywhere!
Do we need a passport if we go into Canadian waters?
Nope! Our whales are "dual-citizens" and frequently swim between Canada and the US without paying any attention to our arbitrary lines. As commercial whale watching vessels we have the special privilege to come and go out of Canadian water as much as the whales do.
What should we bring?
Less is more! The less you have to keep track of the easier it is to sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip. Binoculars and a camera are the only luxuries you might want to bring!
Is there food served on board?
We don't serve food onboard though we have light snacks available on some vessels during the summer months. We don't recommend eating any large meals directly before or during a tour. While our boats are very stable and seasickness is unlikely, the best way to avoid it is by focusing on the fun. We recommend small snacks and water bottles instead.
Is this tour appropriate for families with small children?
For our classic tours and all Anacortes tours, absolutely! We take passengers of all ages. While some small children are too young to understand exactly what they are viewing they very much enjoy the experience of being on the boat. All passengers, regardless of age, need their own ticket.
Our Orca Only tour from Orcas Island is suitable for guests 12 years and older, as the ride can sometimes be long and cold!
Why do I need "an abundance of time" for the Orcas or Lopez Island locations?
Our Orcas Island and Anacortes locations for our Classic Tours are only about 20 minutes apart for our high speed vessels, so it really doesn't matter which port you go from with our company.
HOWEVER, the Washington State ferry takes over an hour between locations (not including the 30-45 minutes you must arrive prior to your ferry sailing in order for them to honor your reservation, if you can get a reservation at all!)
The ferry to Orcas Island costs ~$50 per car and ~$16 per person, so if you are ONLY going to the island to go whale watching, the ferry is a significant additional cost that is completely unnecessary unless you want to spend more than a day on this beautiful island.
The ferries are also subject to frequent cancellations and delays due to not having enough staff to operate their vessels and other factors. If your ferry is delayed or cancelled your whale watching tickets are still subject to our cancellation policy.
Which departure time/location/date do we recommend?
Whales don't wear watches so we don't think that there's a "best" time, date, or place to see them. We have the fastest boats in the fleet to get to the whales wherever they are on any given day. It's always beautiful out on the water so choose the time and location that works best for you and leave the whales to us!
Our Orcas Island and Anacortes locations for our Classic Tours are only about 20 minutes apart for our high speed vessels, so it really doesn't matter which port you go from with our company.
Whales swim everywhere and anywhere in our waters, and are totally unpredictable. Orcas can (and do) swim over 100 miles in a day, so wherever they were seen one day is of no consequence to where they will be the next day.
How close can we get to the whales?
We follow all local, state, and federal regulations while viewing wildlife. For most whales, guidelines stipulate that we view from approximately 100 yards away (200 yards for orcas, 400 yards for J, K, and L Pods during whale watching season). While there’s no rule about how close the whales can come to us, please plan for viewing from a respectful distance.
Are whales bothered by the boats?
We work closely with researchers and enforcement to develop guidelines that do not impact local wildlife. We travel at slow speeds around whales and view from respectful distances. Washington has the most conservative whale watching regulations in the world and we're happy to comply to set a good example for all vessels. By being a member of the PWWA, we are contributing our knowledge and observations to the shared research base and developing better regulations all the time. We frequently observe whales feeding, mating, and even sleeping; which is an indicator that our presence does not change their natural behavior.
What's your cancellation policy?
You can change your tour date, time, or location up to 72 hours in advance of your departure date. If a cancellation is made more than 72 hours in advance there is a 25% cancellation fee but we can refund 75% of your purchase price. We do not make any changes, updates, or cancellations within the 72 hours before departure. Once we are within 72 hours, if you cancel you will not be refunded unless we are able to resell your tickets. Call us ASAP if you want to try this option, but there is no guarantee we will be able to find an interested party to take your spots.
What happens if it is rainy or cloudy?
We operate our tours in almost all weather conditions. The whales don't mind if the weather isn’t perfect, and neither do we. As residents of the Pacific Northwest we expect to encounter some rain and our vessels offer great protection from the elements. The only conditions that would cause us to cancel a tour would be severe weather.
Will seasickness be an issue?
Guests typically do not experience seasickness on our tours. Our vessels are very stable and the shelter of the many islands creates a calm environment on most days. If a person is very prone to motion sickness we suggest taking a non-drowsy Dramamine or Bonine the night before and the morning of the tour.
Are pets allowed on board?
No. Pets of any kind, size, or weight are not allowed on our shared tours. While we can accommodate service animals we do not recommend our classic tours for those guests needing service animal support. If you would like to bring your pet you can always book a private charter.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre kayak
¿Cuánto duran tus recorridos?
Nuestro Los recorridos de Point Doughty duran 3 horas
Nuestros recorridos por la isla Sucia comienzan a las 9 y regresan en nuestro ferry de las 3:30. El tiempo real de remar es entre 5 y 6 horas.
Nuestros Sunset Tours duran 2 horas.
¿Cuándo deberíamos llegar?
El registro comienza 30 minutos antes de la salida para todas nuestras excursiones programadas regularmente. Le pedimos que se tome un momento para revisar su lugar de salida y el tiempo de viaje previsto. el día anterior a su viaje. No podemos realizar el recorrido para llegadas tardías.
Todos los recorridos en kayak comienzan en la Isla Orcas. Si no se hospeda en la isla Orcas, debe tener una reserva de ferry para llegar aquí.
¿Qué debemos ponernos?
¡Capas! El clima es templado durante todo el año en las Islas San Juan, pero estará remando para que pueda calentarse a medida que continúa el recorrido. Tener una sudadera o chaqueta es una gran opción. Las gafas de sol también son una gran idea.
Recuerde tener zapatos que se puedan mojar. Lanzamos desde la orilla y los huéspedes estarán en el agua hasta los tobillos.
¿Qué debemos traer?
¡Menos es más! Cuanto menos tenga que hacer un seguimiento, más fácil será remar y disfrutar del viaje.
Los recorridos de Point Doughty deben traer agua y un refrigerio ligero (como una barra de granola)
Los recorridos por la isla Sucia deben traer agua y almuerzo, lo suficiente para mantenerlos durante todo el día.
¿Este tour es apropiado para familias con niños pequeños?
El tour Point Doughty y Sunset tiene una edad mínima de 8 años.
El tour a la isla Sucia tiene una edad mínima de 13 años.
¿Qué hora / lugar / fecha de salida recomendamos?
Lo que funcione mejor para su grupo. No hay un "mejor" momento para remar
¿Cuál es tu política de cancelación?
Ofrecemos cambios, actualizaciones y cancelaciones en nuestros tours siempre que sean más de 72 horas antes de la fecha de salida. Si se realiza una cancelación con más de 72 horas de anticipación, estaremos encantados de reembolsarle el 75% del precio de compra. No realizamos cambios, actualizaciones ni cancelaciones. dentro de los 72 antes de la salida.
¿Veremos ballenas?
Es increíblemente improbable y, por lo general, solo ocurre una vez al año.
¿Qué veremos en nuestros tours?
Por lo general, nos encontramos con focas de puerto, nutrias de río, visones, estrellas de mar, halcones peregrinos, marsopas, águilas calvas y toneladas de aves marinas, sin mencionar el impresionante paisaje.
¿Podemos traer un perro?
No. El kayak no es adecuado para perros de cualquier tamaño o edad.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la isla de Sucia
El viaje en ferry sale de nuestra ubicación en 120 Sucia Drive, Eastsound WA 98245
El viaje de ida y vuelta a la isla de Sucia suele tardar entre 15 y 20 minutos.
Las salidas a la isla Sucia son diarias, con un mínimo de 4 personas para que el barco salga del muelle. Nos comunicaremos con su grupo si hay alguna inquietud sobre el recuento de pasajeros en la primavera / otoño.
Comenzamos a registrar a nuestros pasajeros de Sucia a las 9:00 AM y a las 2:00 PM. No podemos ayudar a los huéspedes antes de esa hora.
La Oficina de la Isla Exterior NO tiene información sobre disponibilidad en la isla de campings o agua. Comuníquese con los parques estatales de Washington para obtener más detalles.
No hay provisiones disponibles en la isla de Sucia. Debes traer lo que necesitas contigo.
A cada pasajero se le asigna una sola maleta GRANDE. Las bolsas adicionales se cobran a $ 10 por bolsa / hielera / paquete de leña / etc.
Kayaks: Tenga cuidado al navegar en kayak en la isla Sucia. Es fundamental saber leer las cartas náuticas y las cartas de corrientes de mareas, así como tener informes meteorológicos precisos y actualizados. Las rasgaduras de la marea y los vientos racheados repentinos pueden surgir rápidamente y sorprenderlo. No hay servicios de rescate en la isla. Cualquier huésped preocupado por el kayak debe unirse a nuestro tour de día completo en kayak de Sucia
Los alquileres de kayak están disponibles a través de Outer Island. Los alquileres de Outer Island se transportan sin costo adicional.
Se pueden transportar kayaks personales, tablas de remo, bicicletas, etc. Por favor inclúyalos cuando realice el pago.
NO empaque equipaje adicional dentro de un kayak personal. Para transportarlos de forma segura, no debe haber peso adicional en el kayak.
El equipo de kayak (remos, PFD, faldas, etc.) está incluido en el costo del transporte.
Los perros son bienvenidos a bordo del ferry Sucia. Deben ir atados y portarse bien durante el transporte.
El alquiler de bicicletas eléctricas está disponible a través de Outer Island. No hay estaciones de carga disponibles en la isla de Sucia
El campamento está disponible por orden de llegada. El parque cuenta con 60 campamentos estándar, cuatro campamentos grupales reservables, cuatro refugios para pícnic, agua potable en Fossil Bay de principios de abril a septiembre, Echo Bay y Shallow Bay de mayo a septiembre y baños de compostaje.
La cobertura de telefonía celular es irregular en la isla. Por favor, planifique en consecuencia.
Los parques estatales de Washington mantienen 10 millas de senderos para caminatas en la isla, lo que hace que la isla Sucia sea muy amigable y apropiada para aquellos que buscan una exploración centrada en la tierra.
General Frequently Asked Questions
What's your cancellation policy?
We have a 25% non-refundable deposit/cancellation fee. Your trip is transferable until 72hrs before your departure. No-shows will be charged in full.
Outer Island Excursions may cancel trips due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. If this happens, you will be refunded in full.
If you do have to cancel within 72 hrs of departure, you will be charged 100%, unless we are able to resell your tickets.
Please remember that if you need to cancel or reschedule the activity for any reason, you can call (360)376-3711 or email at outerislandx@hotmail.com.
What boat will we be on?
We won't assign the boat until your departure. With 11 different vessels we adjust each departure to work with the the number of passengers who have signed up. We do not assign boats ahead of departure.